Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Remission possible

A person's larger cancer timelines is made up of many smaller, individual timelines.  From diagnosis to treatment, from appointment to appointment, from scan to scan.  For some, from primary treatment to secondary treatment -- from stem cell transplant to radiation to second transplant.  From the first clear scan -- remission -- we begin counting.  30, 90, 100 days.  One year, two years, and now, five years.  Today marks five years since I was put into remission.  Five years is when we can start to say cure without second-guessing.

In that time, a lot has changed.  My life is much different, and better, than it was in the years during, and before, my illness and treatment. My perspective about many things has changed.  I learned the value of hope against the pain of despair, and I appreciate the gift of life and health that I took for granted.  For a time, "remission impossible" reflected my attitude and my experience fighting cancer. But five years later, it is not impossible.  So I use this moment to formally conclude this blog that was a vital outlet for me when I needed it most, and send my sincerest thank you and love to everyone who went on this painful journey with me.  My friends, family, and most importantly Heather who I can never thank enough.  

July 3, 2018

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